Managed Security

Augment your security operations

Bell wins Radware's 2023 Canadian Partner of the Year award for its Web Application Security Services

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Explore our managed services

Bell Security Unified Response Environment

Bell Security Unified Response Environment

Enhance your organization’s security management with an integrated, automated and orchestrated response to security events. Bell provides a fully managed service that proactively monitors security environments for threats, analyses and prioritizes alerts, and then utilizes automated workflows to trigger a coordinated and rapid response to minimize the impact to organizations.

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Managed security services

Managed security services

Managed security services are a cost-effective, flexible and efficient way to proactively protect your sensitive, mission-critical infrastructure, communications and data. By outsourcing time-consuming and costly security management to Bell, you can focus on your core business needs.

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Why Bell is better for managed security

Continuous monitoring and mitigation

Our security operations centre provides 24/7 security infrastructure management, 365 days a year, with continuous event and incident monitoring and mitigation.

End-to-end expertise

With 700+ certified security professionals, we can help you plan, design, build and manage a security solution that’s right for your business.

Canada’s largest voice and data network

Operating the largest communications network in the country, we aggregate large amounts of data and analyze traffic patterns to help prevent cyber attacks.

Leader in security

Bell is the only communications provider to be recognized by the IDC MarketScape as a leader in Canadian Security Services, five times in a row1.

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1. Based on Bell’s positioning in the IDC MarketScape: Canadian Security Services vendor assessment reports – 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2022 (the report was not published in 2016, 2020 and 2021).