Bin Management

Transition from a reactive and static collection schedule to a proactive and dynamic approach

The Bell Smart Waste Management solution uses electronic sensors to turn your existing garbage bins and containers into smart bins. This lets you measure garbage bin fill levels, temperature spikes and sudden movements to alert managers and help prioritize collections. By running on Canada's best national network for low-data and low-power IoT applications, Bell Smart Waste Management has the reliable connection and coverage you need to elevate your waste collection services nationwide.

Use cases

Public waste collection

Private waste collection

Donation bins

Public waste collection

Bell’s Smart Waste Management solution monitors and alerts public waste collection services when bins are nearly full to help municipal crews prioritize waste collection locations and ensure city streets are clean and safe.

Private waste collection

Bell’s ultrasonic sensors, dynamic reporting platform and automated alerts help enable private waste collection businesses to deliver a guaranteed level of premium service more cost-effectively than competitors and ensure customer satisfaction.

Donation bins

Proactively measure donation bin fullness, schedule timely pick-ups and optimize the use of labour resources to ensure charitable items are delivered to those in need while managing cost and improving safety.

How you can benefit from smart waste management

Reduced costs

Cleaner streets


Customer experience

Automated reports

Why Bell is better for IoT

Canada’s best national network1

Power your IoT solutions on the LTE and 5G networks that outperform all other national wireless carriers for combined data, reliability and all network coverage.

Security leadership

Our team of over 700 certified security professionals can help secure your business to protect sensitive data.

Advanced partner ecosystem

Our exclusive partnerships, rigorous device testing and hardware certification program ensure Bell IoT solutions deliver reliable and seamless user experiences.

Leading IoT expertise

Get direct access to our team of 200+ certified IoT experts, dedicated to helping your business so you can respond to customer needs faster.

Learn more about Bell’s Smart Waste Management solution from your Bell representative.

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Recommended for you

Fleet management for cities

Track the location, performance and status of vehicles to efficiently manage and coordinate dynamic routing, maintenance and collection services across the city.

Smart City Accelerator Program

Get your smart city solutions up and running in as little as 8 weeks with a complete and scalable program featuring a selection of smart city solutions and the Smart City Platform, all on Canada’s best national network for IoT.

Learn more about Bell’s Smart Waste Management solution from your Bell representative.

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(1) Based on a third party score (Global Wireless Solutions OneScoreTM) calculated using wireless network testing in Canada against other wireless networks of combined data, voice, reliability and network coverage. See for details.
(2) Based on total square km of coverage on the shared LTE-M network available from Bell vs. Rogers’ LTE network.